Write DON’T, DOESN’T, ISN’T, AREN’T or AM NOT in the

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari ekanovitasr1302 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Write DON’T, DOESN’T, ISN’T, AREN’T or AM NOT in the blank space in each sentences. Contoh: a) He is not listening to the radio right now. b) He does not listen to the radio every evening. 1. We __________________ watching TV program now. 2. We __________________ watch TV everyday. 3. They __________________ study their lesson after class. 4. They __________________ studying their lesson right now. 5. It __________________ raining very hard right at the moment. 6. It __________________ rain very much during the summer. 7. Mr. Adi __________________ eating his lunch now. 8. Mr. Adi __________________ always eat at his place. 9. I __________________ see any students in that room. 10. I __________________ hearing anyone in the hall now.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. We (aren't) watching TV program now
2. We (don't) watch TV everyday
3. They (don't) study their lesson after class
4. They (aren't) studying their lesson right now
5. It (isn't) raining very hard at the moment
6. It (doesn't) rain very much during the summer
7. Mr. Adi (isn't) eating his lunch now
8. Mr.Adi (doesn't always) eat at his place
9. I (didn't) see any students in that room
10. I (am not) hearing anyone in the hall now


- Simple past tense -> bentuk kata yang keterangan waktunya sering, contohnya usually, every day, every morning
= untuk to be nya dia bisa memakai does/do sesuai subjek

- Present Continuous tense -> bentuk kata yang keterangan waktunya sedang terjadi saat ini, contohnya now, right now, currently
= untuk to be nya dia bisa memakai (am,is,are) sesuai subjek

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Last Update: Thu, 12 Jan 23