Sleep is a temporary lapse of consciousness. During sleep, our

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Sleep is a temporary lapse of consciousness. During sleep, our central nervous system, breath, heart-beat, and muse-tone are slowing down. Human sleep duration varies enormously. Babies sleep 18-20 hours a day, young children 12-14 hours, adults 7-9 hours, and older people 5-7 hours. Some people nowadays suffer from insomnia. These people cannot sleep easily. Insomnia is not an illness. It is a symptom of a sleeping disorder which can be caused by anxiety, depression, and excitement. It cannot be cured without getting rid of the problems which cause it. But temporary, insomnia can be overcome by drinking chamomile tea.1 Based on the text above, how long a young child should sleep?

A 5-7 hours
B 7-9 hours
C 18-20 hours
D 12-14 hours​

2 What does the text meanly about?
A Kinds of sleeping
B Sleeping and its problem
C Problems of sleeping
D The art of sleeping
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For answer this question is enough only to read the sentences and you get the answer.


Sleep is a temporary lapse of consciousness. During sleep, our central nervous system, breath, heart-beat, and muse-tone are slowing down. Human sleep duration varies enormously. Babies sleep 18-20 hours a day, young children 12-14 hours, adults 7-9 hours, and older people 5-7 hours. Some people nowadays suffer from insomnia. These people cannot sleep easily. Insomnia is not an illness. It is a symptom of a sleeping disorder which can be caused by anxiety, depression, and excitement. It cannot be cured without getting rid of the problems which cause it. But temporary, insomnia can be overcome by drinking chamomile tea.

1 Based on the text above, how long a young child should sleep?

A. 5-7 hours

B. 7-9 hours

C. 18-20 hours

D. 12-14 hours​

2 What does the text meanly about?

A Kinds of sleeping

B Sleeping and its problem

C Problems of sleeping

D The art of sleeping

. Finish.

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Last Update: Tue, 11 Jul 23