How to understand culture influence on context?

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How to understand culture influence on context?

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1. Research and learn about other cultures. Take the time to research other cultures, traditions, values, and beliefs to get a better understanding of how culture impacts context. Read books, articles, watch films, or take a class that focuses on specific cultures to gain a deeper insight.

2. Observe how culture is expressed in various settings. Notice how people interact with each other differently in various environments. Observe how culture impacts behavior, values, and beliefs in different situations.

3. Ask questions. Talk with people who come from different cultural backgrounds. Ask them about their experiences and perspectives. Building relationships with diverse individuals from other cultures can help you gain insight into how culture impacts context.

4. Consider your own experiences. Reflect on your own experiences, values, and beliefs. How does your culture influence your view of context? How do your views contrast with those from other cultures?

5. Keep an open mind. Make an effort to move beyond preconceived notions and biases. Allow yourself to be open to new perspectives and ways of seeing the world.

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Last Update: Thu, 04 May 23