~TUGAS PR~ . Soal: 1. What is difference between accent and dialect? 2. Give

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari riotjiandra pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

1. What is difference between accent and dialect?
2. Give examples of current Indonesian slangs!
3. Give examples of English argot!
Syarat untuk menjawab soal :
● Dilarang jawaban berupa komentar spam atau asal²an.
● Dilarang copas jawaban dari google.
● Jawabannya harus disertai dengan penjelasan yang masuk akal.
● Gunakanlah kata-kata jawabanmu sendiri yang baik dan benar.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1. The difference between accent and dialect:

  • Accent: A way people in a particular region or country pronounce a word. Dialect: A variety of a language spoken by a particular group of people or in a particular geographical area.
  • Accent: Variations in word pronunciations. Dialect: Variations in language features, including pronunciations, grammar, vocabulary, and informal language.
  • Accent: A part of dialect. Dialect: A variety of a language.
  • Accent: Associated with geographical location (region), background, status, or socioeconomic, . Dialect: Mainly associated with geographical location.

2. Slang is informal vocabulary words common in spoken conversation.

Examples of current Indonesian slangs:

  • Mager, an acronym of 'Males Gerak', it means you're too comfortable staying in one place and too lazy to move.
  • Banget, the informal Indonesian words of 'sangat', 'amat', or 'sekali', it means 'very', 'really', or 'extremely'.
  • YGY, an abbreviation of the word 'Ya Gaes Ya' can be interpreted as 'yes, Guys', which is used as affirmation of a sentence in a caption or upload.

Example of sentence using Indonesian slang: Mager banget ygy.

It means you're telling people that you're extremely lazy to move.

3. Argot is a specialized vocabulary used by a particular social class or group.

For example, teachers use the word 'student', 'curriculum', 'exam'.

Doctors use the word 'syringe', 'chronic', 'diagnosis', 'chemotherapy'.

Cinematographers use the word 'shot', 'cinematic', 'angle', 'behind the scenes', 'bloopers'.

Semoga dengan pertanyaan yang sudah terjawab oleh ShofwatulAfifah dapat membantu memudahkan mengerjakan soal, tugas dan PR sekolah kalian.

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Last Update: Tue, 02 May 23