GERUNDS VS INFINITIVE I. Complete the sentence with a verb

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari sarahgibran21 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

GERUNDS VS INFINITIVE I. Complete the sentence with a verb in the bracket to form a GERUNDS or INFINITIVES sentence. 1. What do you want ___ (do) tonight? I feel like ___ (go) to a movie. 2. It’s not so bad ___ (tell) the truth, is it? because ___ (lie) is never right. 3. It isn’t wrong ___ (adopt) a pet, is it? I think ___ (adopt) a pet is a good thing to do if you have a good reason. 4. She decides ___ (move) to another school. 5. The president wishes ___ (end) the Covid pandemic. 6. He always offers ___ (help) his students. 7. Resty enjoys ___ (watch) Sinetron on television. 8. She refuses ___ (lie) to her friend. 9. Students want ___ (get) good grades. 10. I can’t imagine she ___ (fall) in love with you. II. Complete the text below with GERUND or INFINITIVE. It’s a hard day ___ (go) home and it’s very hot on the road, the main road has been blocked 1 mile because of an accident that has caused ___ (slow) on traffic. The traffic officer directs all drivers __ (use) an alternate route possible or ___ (take) on a highway, where traffic is smooth and relatively light. ___ (expect) the normalization on the traffic ___ (clear) by 6:00 pm. ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. to do

2. going

3. tell

4. lying

5. end

6 helping

7. watching

8. lie

9. to get

10. falling




use, take

expectingm clear

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Last Update: Wed, 07 Dec 22