contoh past tense vs past perfect (menggunakan after minimal 3)​

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Contoh past tense vs past perfect (menggunakan after minimal 3)​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Past Tense:

I ate dinner after I finished my homework.

(Saya makan malam setelah selesai mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah.)

Past Perfect:

She had already left the office after I arrived.

(Dia sudah pergi dari kantor setelah saya tiba.)

Past Tense:

They watched a movie after they had dinner.

(Mereka menonton film setelah makan malam.)

Past Perfect:

The train had already departed after we reached the station.

(Kereta sudah berangkat setelah kita tiba di stasiun.)

Past Tense:

He called me after he received the news.

(Dia menelepon saya setelah menerima berita tersebut.)

Past Perfect:

They had finished their project after they had worked on it for months.

(Mereka telah menyelesaikan proyek mereka setelah bekerja padanya selama berbulan-bulan.)

In the examples above, the past tense is used to indicate actions that occurred in the past, while the past perfect is used to indicate actions that were completed before another past action. The word "after" is used to establish the sequence of events.

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Last Update: Fri, 25 Aug 23