Graffiti can be considered a property crime since it often

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Graffiti can be considered a property crime since it often involves trespassing and spoiling of private and public areas. It is the most costly among the property crimes in southern Nevada and more than 30 million dollars is spent to fight this crime there. Many countries such as New Zealand and some states in United States including New York and Philadelphia made attempts to curtail graffiti crimes by adopting measures like putting a ban on the sale of spray paints to teenagers and charging very high fines for violations. Gang graffiti is also considered as having criminal associations. It is usually used by the members of a gång to mark their own particular territory, to provoke opposing gangs, or to keep the memory of a murdered gang leader. The extent of gang graffiti is well explained by Gottdiener and Hutchison, where they say. "The networks of allegiance and opposition signified by gang graffiti extend across metropolitan regions, into the public schools, and even within the prison system (Gottdiener and Hutchison: 2000, 224-227)". 2.91 Source: Questions: 1. In what certain occasions are graffiti especially regarded as crime? Answer: 2. According to the text, how do people in modern times view graffiti? Answer: 3. How is graffiti considered as a property crime? Answer: 4. What is the solution to graffiti vandalism in New Zealand, New York, and Philadelphia? Answer: 5. What is the connection between graffiti and criminal associations? Answer:​
Graffiti can be considered a property crime since it often involves trespassing and spoiling of private and public areas. It is the most costly among the property crimes in southern Nevada and more than 30 million dollars is spent to fight this crime there. Many countries such as New Zealand and some states in United States including New York and Philadelphia made attempts to curtail graffiti crimes by adopting measures like putting a ban on the sale of spray paints to teenagers and charging very high fines for violations. Gang graffiti is also considered as having criminal associations. It is usually used by the members of a gång to mark their own particular territory, to provoke opposing gangs, or to keep the memory of a murdered gang leader. The extent of gang graffiti is well explained by Gottdiener and Hutchison, where they say.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


  1. Graffiti is especially regarded as a crime when it involves trespassing and damaging private and public areas.
  2. According to the text, people in modern times view graffiti as a costly property crime that requires measures to combat and prevent it.
  3. Graffiti is considered a property crime because it involves trespassing on private or public property and spoiling or defacing it without permission.
  4. The solution to graffiti vandalism in New Zealand, New York, and Philadelphia includes measures such as banning the sale of spray paints to teenagers and imposing high fines for violations.
  5. Gang graffiti is associated with criminal activities as it is used by gang members to mark territory, provoke rival gangs, or memorialize gang leaders. Gang graffiti networks can extend across metropolitan regions, public schools, and even the prison system.


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Last Update: Fri, 18 Aug 23