Error analysis. Choose the error in each sentence based on

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari glaennatanhts pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Error analysis. Choose the error in each sentence based on the english standardized grammar and write the correction.1. My Dad wanted me to go to "SMA"after "SMP" but I didn't agree with her idea .
2. The requirements passing the new student submission test at Indonesia state universities is very strict.
3. Do you love serve fried rice by yourself for dinner ? No, on line order is very simple.
4. My parents always let me solving our lesson problem by myself. They really want me to be self confident and more matured.
5. Please keep on try , I am sure you will find the best way out then.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.



  1. My Dad wanted me to go to "SMA"after "SMP" but I didn't agree with his idea .
  2. The requirements forpassing the new student submission test at Indonesia state universitiesare very strict.
  3. Do you love serving fried rice by yourself for dinner ? No, on line order is very simple.
  4. My parents always let me solve problems by myself. They really want me to be confident and more mature.
  5. Please keep on trying, I am sure you will find the best way out then.​


Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran Corrections (perbaikan) dalam Bahasa Inggris.

  1. My Dad wanted me to go to "SMA"after "SMP" but I didn't agree with his idea . karena Ayah, maka kata sifat kepemilikannya adalah "his"
  2. The requirements for passing the new student submission test at Indonesia state universities are very strict. karena kata the requirements membutuhkan preposisi "for" dan karena subjeknya jamak maka Tobe yang digunakan adalah "are"
  3. Do you love serving fried rice by yourself for dinner ? No, on line order is very simple. karena kata kerja "love" membutuhkan gerund setelahnya sehingga menjadi "love serving"
  4. My parents always let me solve problems by myself. They really want me to be confident and more mature. karena setelah kata let me harus Verb-1, maka menjadi "let me solve" kemudian kata sifat yang benar adalah "mature"
  5. Please keep on trying, I am sure you will find the best way out then.​ karena setelah kata kerja "keep on" membutuhakan gerund, maka menjadi "keep on trying"

Semoga membantu ya.

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Last Update: Tue, 09 May 23