fill in the blanks pieces with adjective on quantity "many"

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari bungamataharii pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Fill in the blanks pieces with adjective on quantity "many" or "much"!1. can i eat as ... fruits ost i want without having stomach ache? ... the student have complete the text successfully?

3.Too... coffee my effect your sleep patterns.

4. that florist sells ... beautiful flowers. the earth's surface in covered with


6.there isn't... water on your bottle. orange in the refrigerator?

8.olive draws ... pictures for joining and


9. please be quick. i don't have... time now!

10. there is so... traffic on the road today.

Tolong jawab secepatnya ya kak terimakasih ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Jawaban & Penjelasannya

1. can i eat as many fruits as i want without having stomach ache? (Simple Present Tense; Subject + Verb (infinitive) + Object) much have the student complete the text successfully? (Present Perfect Tense; Subject + Have/Has + Past Participle + Object)

3.Too much coffee can effect your sleep patterns. (Present Simple Tense; Subject + Verb (infinitive) + Object)

4. that florist sells many beautiful flowers. (Present Simple Tense; Subject + Verb (infinitive) + Object) much of the earth's surface is covered with water? (Present Simple Tense; Subject + Verb (infinitive) + Object)

6.there isn't much water on your bottle. (Present Simple Tense; Subject + Verb (infinitive) + Object) many oranges are in the refrigerator? (Present Simple Tense; Subject + Verb (infinitive) + Object)

8.olive draws many pictures for joining and competition. (Present Simple Tense; Subject + Verb (infinitive) + Object)

9. please be quick. i don't have much time now! (Present Simple Tense; Subject + Verb (infinitive) + Object)

10. there is so much traffic on the road today. (Present Simple Tense; Subject + Verb (infinitive) + Object)


• Kata kerja much jumlah bendanya itu sulit di hitung menggunakan jari

• Sedangkan kata kerja many itu masih bisa di hitung dengan menggunakan jari


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Last Update: Tue, 18 Apr 23