Questions:1. What are the positions needed?2. What are the documents

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari Egaa01 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Questions:1. What are the positions needed?
2. What are the documents requirement to apply for the job?
3. What grades need the science teachers?
4. Where is the school located?
5. "Maitri School is seeking application from *CADIDATES* who ..."
What is defination of the capital word ? (CADIDATES).

Please Answer Bro​
Questions:1. What are the positions needed?2. What are the documents requirement to apply for the job?3. What grades need the science teachers?4. Where is the school located?5.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. What are the positions needed?


  • Science teacher
  • English teacher
  • Administration staff

2. What are the documents requirement to apply for the job?

Answer: CV with copies of relevant documentation

3. What grades need the science teachers?

Answer: 2 to 6

4. Where is the school located?

Answer: 446 Hospital Road, Chhauni, Kathmandu

5. "Maitri School is seeking application from *CANDIDATES* who ..."

What is defination of the capital word?


Answer: a person who applies for a job

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Last Update: Wed, 14 Dec 22