Simple Present Tense Develop the following parted words into a

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari dani899767 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Simple Present TenseDevelop the following parted words into a meaningful sentences!

Ciki/drink/a glass of milk/everyday. (+)
Ciki drinks a glass of milk everyday.

Ciki/drink/a glass of milk/everyday. (-)
Ciki does not drink a glass of milk everyday

Ciki/drink/a glass of milk/everyday. (?) Does Ciki drink a glass of milk everyday? Yes, he does/No, he does not.

1. Dea/always/cook/a plate of fried rice/ in the evening. (+)

2. Mr. Ali/teach/Mathematics/ on Wednesday (-)

3. Mrs Linda/usually/eat/two bananas before working (?)

4. The buses/often/pass/my school on Thursday. (+)

5. Some dogs/play/balls in the park. (-)

6. My Science teacher/never/come late (?)

7. Andini and Dodi/sometimes/do/homework/together (+)

8. Mr. Mustofa and Mrs. Pujiastuti/read /the materials. (-)

9. Upin fly his nice kite on Saturday afternoon (?)

10. The train/usually/depart/before 7 (+) ​

tolong buat (+) (-) (?) 1 soal 3 yang dibuat berarti 30 jawaban

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.



1. Dea/always/cook/a plate of fried rice/ in the evening. (+)

=> Dea always cooks a plate of fried rice in the evening.

2. Mr. Ali/teach/Mathematics/ on Wednesday. (-)

=> Mr. Ali doesn't teach Mathematics on Wednesday.

3. Mrs. Linda/usually/eat/two bananas before working. (?)

=> Does Mrs. Linda usually eat two bananas before working? No, she doesn't.

4. The buses/often/pass/my school on Thursday. (+)

=> The buses often pass my school on Thursday.

5. Some dogs/play/balls in the park. (-)

=> Some dogs don't play balls in the park.

6. My Science teacher/never/come late. (?)

=> Does my Science teacher never come late? Yes, he does.

7. Andini and Dodi/sometimes/do/homework/together. (+)

=> Andini and Dodi sometimes do homework together.

8. Mr. Mustofa and Mrs. Pujiastuti/read /the materials. (-)

=> Mr. Mustofa and Mrs. Pujiastuti read the materials.

9. Upin fly his nice kite on Saturday afternoon. (?)

=> Does Upin fly his nice kite on Saturday afternoon? No, he doesn't.

10. The train/usually/depart/before 7. (+)

=> The train usually departs before 7.

 \large {\boxed {\blue {\star \:Answered \: By: \: \bold {sulkifli2018} \star} } }

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Last Update: Tue, 11 Apr 23