your mother has got a lot of ripe guava from

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your mother has got a lot of ripe guava from her garden. she plants to make them juice. help her writing the good recipe of guava juice. don't forget stating the goal the ingredients and methods​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.



Goal: To make a delicious guava juice


- 4 large ripe guavas

- 2 cups of water

- 1 tablespoon sugar

- 2 tablespoons honey

- Juice of a lemon


1. Wash and rinse the guavas.

2. Cut the guavas in half and remove the seeds.

3. Put the guavas, water, sugar, honey and lemon juice into a blender and blend until smooth.

4. Pour the mixture through a sieve to separate out any remaining seeds or pieces of skin.

5. Pour the juice into glasses and serve chilled. Enjoy!

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Last Update: Wed, 22 Mar 23