7 Write noun phrases you can see in the text!

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari lifia284 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

7 Write noun phrases you can see in the text! 8 Write two complex sentences found in the text! 9. Mention technical terms found in the text! 10. Is there any passive voice? If yes, write it! Is it written with or without the doer?​
7 Write noun phrases you can see in the text! 8 Write two complex sentences found in the text! 9. Mention technical terms found in the text! 10. Is there any passive voice? If yes, write it! Is it written with or without the doer?​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


7. Noun phrases in the text:

- Tornadoes

- Warm and moist environments

- Thunderstorms

- Sun

- Column of air

- Heights

- Ground

- Funnel

- Ice skater

- Scientists

- Funnel clouds

8. Two complex sentences in the text:

- "The longer the sun heats the ground, the greater the chance a tornado can form and the larger it may become." (compound-complex sentence)

- "Sometimes, the funnel will reach the ground and become a tornado." (complex sentence)

9. Technical terms in the text:

- Tornadoes

- Thunderstorms

- Column of air

- Funnel

- Funnel clouds

10. Yes, there is a passive voice in the text:

- "Sometimes, this column of air is pulled upwards." (passive voice without the doer mentioned)

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Last Update: Sat, 12 Aug 23