complete the sentences below by adding "a", " an", "the"

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari mis137199 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Complete the sentences below by adding "a", " an", "the" or "0 (No Article)"!1. Laura is wearing ................. beautiful dress tonight.

2. celine likes to wear ........... hats.

3. l saw ........... woman was feeding .......bird in the park.

4. she wants to be.......... singer in the future.

5. everyone has.......... problems in........ life.

6. yesterday, l saw.......... cat in the was chasing........... cat........... cat was chasing..........mouse. .........mouse ran into.........hole, but..........hole was very couldn't get into........hole, so it ran up.......... tree. ......... dog tried to climb......... tree to, but it couldn't.

7. yesterday, l bought some stationaries. l bought......... books, ...........pencil, .......... pen, .........eraser,and............rulers.

8. l went to the zoo a few weeks ago. l saw many animals. l saw........... tigers, .......... monkeys,.......... snake, .......... birds, .........eagle, and.......... dolphins. all animals are cute but l prefer........... tigers. l even feed....... tigers. lt was a beautiful experience for me.

9. people can drink.......... fresh water. they can't drink......... sea water because it contains..........salt.

10. my grandfather had............ long life.

plisee tolong dong ka bantu jawab. tapi jan ngasal jawabny

bsok mo dikumpul.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. Laura is wearing a beautiful dress tonight.

2. Celine likes to wear 0 hats.

3. l saw a woman was feeding a bird in the park.

4. she wants to be a singer in the future.

5. everyone has 0 problems in life.

6. yesterday, l saw acat anda dog in the park. Thedog was chasingthe cat. Thecat was chasingthe mouse. The mouse ran into the hole, but the hole was very small. The cat couldn't get into the hole, so it ran up the tree. Thedog tried to climbthe tree too, but it couldn't.

7. yesterday, l bought some stationaries. l bought 0 books, a pencil, a pen, an eraser, and 0 rulers.

8. l went to the zoo a few weeks ago. l saw many animals. l saw 0 tigers, 0 monkeys, a snake, 0 birds, an eagle, and 0 dolphins. all animals are cute but l prefer the tigers. l even feed the tigers. it was a beautiful experience for me.

9. people can drink 0 fresh water. they can't drink 0sea water because it contains0 salt.

10. my grandfather had a long life.

sorry if the answer is wrong :)

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Last Update: Mon, 12 Jun 23