Fabel bahasa Inggris dan pesan moralnya

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Fabel bahasa Inggris dan pesan moralnya

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


[18/1 18:52] My Mom: Rabbits and Twenty Crocodiles

One day, a rabbit will cross the river, but he cannot swim. He has an idea. He called the head of the crocodile who was swimming in the river. Rabbit asks the head of Crocodile.

“How many crocodiles are there in this river?” Head of Crocodile answered “we have twenty tails here”.

” Where are they ? “. Rabbits ask for some time. ” what for ? The head of the crocodile asked.

[18/1 18:54] My Mom: You’re all good, so I want you to line up regularly”.

The chief then Crocodile called out all his friends and marched regularly. Then the Rabbit starts the calculation by jumping from one Crocodile to another Crocodile: one … two … three … four … to twenty, and finally he thanks all the Crocodiles because he can cross the river.

The message contained in the fable is, that before we act better we think first so we can solve the existing problem.

Terjemahan :

Kelinci dan Dua Puluh Buaya

Pada suatu hari, seekor Kelinci akan menyeberangi sungai, namun ia tidak bisa berenang. Dia memiliki suatu ide. Dia memanggil kepala Buaya yang sedang berenang di sungai. Kelinci bertanya kepada kepala Buaya.

Baca Juga : Analytical Exposition Vs Hortatory Exposition : Pengertian , Perbedaan Dan Generic Structure Dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Contoh Lengkap

“ ada berapa banyak Buaya disungai ini ?”. Kepala Buaya menjawab “ kami disini ada dua puluh ekor ”.

“ dimana mereka ? ”. Kelinci bertanya untuk beberapa waktu. “ untuk apa itu ? ” kepala Buaya bertanya.

“ kalian semua baik, jadi aku ingin kalian berbaris secara teratur ”.

Kepala kemudian Buaya memanggil semua temannya dan berbaris secara teratur. Kemudian Kelinci memulai hitungannya dengan meloncat dari satu Buaya ke Buaya yang lainnya : satu…dua….tiga…empat…hingga dua puluh, dan akhirnya dia berterimakasih ke semua Buaya karena ia dapat menyeberangi sungai.

Pesan yang terdapat dalam fable adalah, bahwa sebelum kita bertindak lebih baik kita berpikir terlebih dahulu supaya kita dapat menyelesaikan masalah yang ada.

Contoh 2 :

Arrogant Cat

A few years ago, in a dense forest there were very many animals, among the animals that lived, there was an arrogant cat that was very clean, furry and also smooth white. So many animals like it, but it is too proud and arrogant with its strengths.

One day the cat wants to live alone without a cat family, because he feels it’s great to survive alone without the help of his family.

On his journey he rested close to the chicken family. On a sunny morning, the cat was angry because the chicken had awakened his sleep, “O chicken, how sassy you woke me up coupled with your ugly children”. The chicken family is very angry, they drive the cat away, with a feeling of annoyance the cat leaves the place.

With a feeling so tired the cat sleeps on the shoulder of the elephant, when the elephant is about to wake up accidentally the elephant drops the cat. “Hey you rotten elephant, why did you take me down, you want to kill me? “The elephant approached and said” oh … you are so beautiful “. The cat scratches the elephant, and makes the elephant run amok so that the cat is thrown by it.

Baca Juga : Advertisement : Pengertian, Fungsi, Tujuan Beserta Contoh Dalam Bahasa Inggris

The cat is very upset and also hungry, he tries to look for food in the soil he meets with worms. “You’re a beautiful cat, but why are you taking my food? “. The cat said. “All animals know my beauty, therefore I have the right to do what I want,” then the worm says, “Arrogant cat, can you survive in the ground? “. “Hahaha … it’s a small thing”. Said cat. They finally made a deal.

Finally, after a day the cat in the ground a group of worms tried to see it, but the cat was dead, several worms told this to the cat family. But when his family arrived, the arrogant cat that had died was already eaten by a lion.

Moral: never be arrogant with the advantages that are owned because everyone has their own advantages.

Moral : jangan pernah sombong dengan kelebihan yang dimiliki karena setiap orang memiliki kelebihan tersendiri.


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Last Update: Tue, 18 Apr 23