Complete the sentences with will or the present simple tense a.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari ylanajlten pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Complete the sentences with will or the present simple tensea. I (tell) him you called
b. If I (find) the information. I (let) you know immediately
c. If Peter (not come back) form sick leave soon, we (need) to find replacement.
d. If you (push) that button,you (disconnect) the caller
e. what (do) if you (not find) Sergei's number?
f. If I (not find) his number, I (call) directory enquiries
Complete the sentences with will or the present simple tense
a. I (tell) him you called
b. If I (find) the information. I (let) you know immediately
c. If Peter (not come back) form sick leave soon, we (need) to find replacement.
d. If you (push) that button,you (disconnect) the caller
e. what (do) if you (not find) Sergei's number?
f. If I (not find) his number, I (call) directory enquiries

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


  • I will tell him you called
  • If I find the information, I will let you know immediately
  • If peter doesn't come back from sick leave soon, We will need to find replacement
  • If you push that button, you will disconnect the caller
  • What do you do if don't find Sergei's number?
  • If I don't find his number, I will call directory enquires

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Last Update: Fri, 30 Dec 22