Answer each question according to the previous texts! 1. What

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari yuhamiaras01 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Answer each question according to the previous texts!1. What does mr aldi invite the students to do before learning?
2. What time does Dewi go to school?
3. What cover a bird's body?
4. Are birds active at night?
5. What is the main steam of a tree called?

Tolong cepat di jawabdgn benar pliss!! yg jawab ny cepat dan benar ak kasih bintang 5 dan jawaban tercerdas jgn ngasal iy!!! ​
Answer each question according to the previous texts! 1. What does mr aldi invite the students to do before learning? 2. What time does Dewi go to school? 3. What cover a bird's body? 4. Are birds active at night? 5. What is the main steam of a tree called? Tolong cepat di jawabdgn benar pliss!! yg jawab ny cepat dan benar ak kasih bintang 5 dan jawaban tercerdas jgn ngasal iy!!! ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. Mr. Aldi invites the students to pray before learning.

2. Dewi goes to school at 6.30 AM.

3. A bird's body is covered by feathers

4. No, they aren't. Most birds are active during the day and sleep during the night.

5. The main steam of a tree is callled a trunk.


Maap klo salah

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Last Update: Wed, 12 Apr 23