mohon bantuannya !mohon bantuannya!mau dikumpulkan !More and more people are

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Mohon bantuannya !mohon bantuannya!mau dikumpulkan !

More and more people are deciding to move to suburbs. Is that surprising? Living in the suburbs has many unique perks which you can't enjoy living elsewhere. Suburbs are the perfect balance between experiencing urban and rural lives. The first is that people prefer less crowds. What makes a city is inevitable is the endless numbers of people in every corner. Cities are already congested with multiple buildings, cars, and taxis. No matter where you go in the city, you'll always find yourself trying to push through a huge crowd of people. However, suburbs are generally much less populated which means they are not nearly as crowded or congested. Many people leave the hectic crowds from the city and move to the suburbs to enjoy some peace when walking on the streets. Second, if you are someone who is fond of nature, then the suburbs are for you. In the city, you'd be lucky to spot more than a few trees and bushes. On the other hand, the suburbs are thriving with nature. Suburbs never run short of beautiful mountains, rivers, lakes, forests, and parks. Here you will find vast stretches of greenery and open land that will give you a breath of fresh air. In addition, suburbs are also home to more wildlife species than the city which indicates that you'd be living in a healthy and wholesome ecosystem. The abundance of nature brings with it fun activities, such as fishing, hiking, zip-lining, and boating. Then, city residents look to move into a suburban area to gain a sense of community. In a city, it's incredibly hard to build friendships with the people surrounding you. By living in suburbs, you will benefit from a quality social life. You can have close-knit relationships with your neighbors and build your own interpersonal community. Having good friends and neighbors is not only fun for those Thanksgiving dinners, but is also a very important aspect of feeling safe and more at home.

1.identify the generic structure of the text
2.underline verb present tense form passive voice form
3.look for the conjuction of the text

terima kasih, mohon bantuannya sekali lagi

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1. Generic structure of the text:

The text follows an argumentative/expository structure. It presents reasons and advantages for living in the suburbs and supports the claim that more people are deciding to move to suburbs.

2. Underlined verbs:

a. In present tense form: are, prefer, makes, is, go, find, leave, enjoy, bring, look, move, gain

b. In passive voice form: None

3. Conjunctions in the text: however, then, in addition, also, but

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Last Update: Wed, 09 Aug 23