A customer wants to buy two portions of geprek marathon.The

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari irwanardisaputra08 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

A customer wants to buy two portions of geprek marathon.The price of geprek marathon is RP 20.000/poriton.how much does she/he have to pay during the discount period​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Pertanyaan di atas kurang lengkap karena tidak menyertakan berapa diskonnya.

A customer wants to buy two portions of geprek marathon. The price of geprek marathon is RP 20.000/portion. So the customer has to pay Rp. 40.000.

(Untuk mencari harga diskon, kalikan harga tersebut dengan diskonnya lalu dibagi 100).


To calculate discount, we need to multiply the original price with the discount percentage and divide the result by 100.

For example :

The price of a pair of shoes is 100.000 and the discount is 20%. So the price after discount is :

100.000 × 20%

= 100.000 × 20/100

= 2.000.000/100

= 20.000


Arti dari soal tersebut adalah :

Seorang pelanggan ingin membeli dua porsi geprek marathon. Harga geprek marathon adalah RP 20.000/porsi.

Price per portion is 20.000

A customer wants to buy 2 portions.

(di soal tersebut tidak diberitahu diskonnya)

Question :

How much does the customer has to pay during the discount period?

Answer :

2 portion so,

20.000 × 2

= 40.000

So to find the discount price we just need to multiply it with the discount and divide by 100.

Learn more :

Learn more about discounted prices at yomemimo.com/tugas/20936570


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Last Update: Tue, 11 Jul 23