This text is for questions 1 to 3. The Dutch

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari lily1204a pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

This text is for questions 1 to 3.The Dutch domination had made the people suffer because they were used as objects of extortion. At that time, the royal government allowed foreign companies to lease land for plantation purposes. In general, this land was rented with the residents at once. As a result, farmers could not develop their lives because they had to be forced labor. Their burden was even heavier because they were required to pay various taxes, such as land tax, livestock tax, and land renting tax or accepting a position. In addition, there were still taxes collected at the customs or toll booths, where all traffic in the transport of goods was also taxed. Even a mother who carried a child on a public road also had to pay taxes. Seeing the suffering of the people due to the Dutch authority, Prince Diponegoro did not hesitate to fight.
1.What does the text tell about?

2. What did Prince Diponegoro do after seeing the suffering of the people?

3.Their burden was even heavier because they were required to pay various taxes, What does a tax mean?

4.Write sentences with the following words in simple past tense!a.attack

5. Translate the following paragraph into English! Beberapa bulan berselang setelah proklamasi, NICA datang kembali ke Indonesia dengan membonceng pasukan Sekutu yang baru saja mengalahkan Jepang di Perang Dunia II.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1. The text tells about the suffering of the people due to the Dutch domination in Indonesia, where they were used as objects of extortion and forced labor.

2. After seeing the suffering of the people, Prince Diponegoro fought against the Dutch authority in Indonesia.

3. A tax is a mandatory financial charge imposed by a government on individuals or organizations to fund public services and government functions.

4. a. The army attacked the enemy camp at dawn.

b. I ran to catch the bus, but I missed it.

5. Several months after the proclamation, NICA returned to Indonesia by riding along with the Allied forces who had just defeated Japan in World War II.

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Last Update: Sun, 30 Jul 23