Celia meets her classmate James in the public library this

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Celia meets her classmate James in the public library this Sunday.Celia : Hi, James. What are you doing here? I never see you in this library before.

James: Hi, Celia. Yeah I need free computer service. Mine is broken. Anyway, it's nice to see you here. I need your help to finish my report for English class. I was told that this report should be submitted on Mr. John's desk tomorrow morning. Is that true?

Celia : Yeah, that's right. I've done mine a week ago. Haven't you written yours?

James: No, I thought it's due next Saturday.

Celia : Oh, no! You didn't hear the news? The due date was moved to Monday because Mr. John will be away for conference next Saturday.

James: I heard about that just yesterday. I have browsed and collected some data I will use for my report. I'm going to type it now. Will you check my work when I'm done? I think I can write better report if I hear some advices and feedbacks.

Celia : Yeah, sure. I'll be in reading area over there. Just find me there if you need me.

James: All right. Thanks, Celia.


1. Where are Celia and James now?

2. When should the students' English report be submitted?

3. What does James need from Celia?

4. Mention the passive sentences in the dialogue!

5 Mention the active sentences in the dialogue then change them into passive!

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. Celia and James are in the public library.

2. The students' English report should be submitted on Monday.

3. James needs Celia's help to check his work and get some advice and feedbacks.

4. There are no passive sentences in the dialogue.

5. Active sentences:

Hi, James. What are you doing here?

Hi, Celia. Yeah I need free computer service.

I never see you in this library before.

I need your help to finish my report for English class.

I was told that this report should be submitted on Mr. John's desk tomorrow morning.

Is that true?

Yeah, that's right.

Haven't you written yours?

No, I thought it's due next Saturday.

Oh, no! You didn't hear the news?

The due date was moved to Monday because Mr. John will be away for conference next Saturday.

I heard about that just yesterday.

I have browsed and collected some data I will use for my report.

I'm going to type it now.

Will you check my work when I'm done?

I think I can write better report if I hear some advices and feedbacks.

Yeah, sure.

I'll be in reading area over there.

Just find me there if you need me.

All right. Thanks, Celia.

Passive sentences:

You are being asked by James what you are doing here.

Free computer service is being needed by James.

You are being told by James that he never sees you in the library before.

James's work is being helped by you to be finished.

The report should be submitted on Mr. John's desk tomorrow morning is being told to James.

The truth is being asked by James if the report should be submitted tomorrow.

That's right is being answered by Celia.

James's report has not been written by him, is being asked by Celia.

The due date is being moved to Monday is being told to James.

The news was just heard yesterday by James.

Some data for the report has been browsed and collected by James.

James is going to type the report now.

James's work is being checked by you when it's done.

A better report can be written by James if he hears some advice and feedbacks.

Sure is being answered by Celia.

Celia will be in the reading area over there.

Celia is being told by James to be found there if he needs her.

All right and Thanks, Celia is being said by James.

Semoga dengan pertanyaan yang sudah terjawab oleh ridhoilahi300 dapat membantu memudahkan mengerjakan soal, tugas dan PR sekolah kalian.

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Last Update: Tue, 09 May 23