One hot summer morning a little cloud rose out of

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One hot summer morning a little cloud rose out of the sea and floated lightly and happily across the blue sky. Far below lay the earth, brown, dry, and desolate, from drouth. The little cloud could see the poor people of the earth working and suffering in the hot fields, while she herself floated on the morning breeze, hither and thither, without a care. "Oh, if I could only help the poor people down there!" she thought. "If I could but make their work easier, or give the hungry ones food, or the thirsty a drink!" And as the day passed, and the cloud became larger, this wish to do something for the people of earth was ever greater in her heart. On earth it grew hotter and hotter; the sun burned down so fiercely that the people were fainting in its rays; it seemed as if they must die of heat, and yet they were obliged to go on with their work, for they were very poor. Sometimes they stood and looked up at the cloud, as if they were praying, and saying, "Ah, if you could help us!" "I will help you; I will!" said the cloud. And she began to sink softly down toward the earth. But suddenly, as she floated down, she remembered something which had been told her when she was a tiny cloud-child, in the lap of Mother Ocean: it had been whispered that if the clouds go too near the earth they die. When she remembered this she held herself from sinking, and swayed here and there on the breeze, thinking- thinking. But at last she stood quite still, and spoke boldly and proudly. She said, "Men of earth, I will help you, come what may!" The thought made her suddenly marvelously big and strong and powerful. Never had she dreamed that she could be so big. Like a mighty5. What is the story mostly about?
a. Friendship
b. Solidarity
c. Kindsness
d. Peacefulness

7. What is happened to the people on earth?
a. Suffering
b. Envy
c. Loss
d. Care

8. What did people finally get at the end of story?
a. The sound of thunder
b. Rain
c. Big cloud
d. cool atmosphere​
One hot summer morning a little cloud rose out of the sea and floated lightly and happily across the blue sky. Far below lay the earth, brown, dry, and desolate, from drouth. The little cloud could see the poor people of the earth working and suffering in the hot fields, while she herself floated on the morning breeze, hither and thither, without a care.

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8. B. RAIN




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Last Update: Tue, 23 May 23