Tolong dongCeritanya begini :The Wood's cycad is quite possibly the

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The Wood's cycad is quite possibly the rarest plant on this list. Scientists believe it is completely extinct in the wild, but there are specimens living in several botanical gardens throughout the world. All living plants are clones grown from clippings taken from a few surviving specimens that were gathered by researchers near the beginning of the 20th century. As a native to South Africa, the Wood's cycad looks like a pretty typical palm tree. It has a wide, sturdy trunk, and can grow as high as 20 feet. While the Wood's cycad does have both male and female varieties, a female plant has never been discovered, so they can't reproduce naturally unless one is found. Here's hoping that botanists come across one someday so we can see what a female plant looks like! If you haven't noticed, we can get pretty excited about rare plants. But we also hope that many of these plants won't stay rare forever, and that due to conservation efforts, they will once again have vibrant, plentiful populations. Protecting our world's fragile ecosystems has never been more important and we hope this list helps prove that.

The Wood cycad is categorized as endangered plant, because :
A. It only can be seen in South Africa
B. The shape of the plants is typical.
C. The female plant has never been discovered
D. The government does not build the conservation​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

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kayak nya A. it only can be seen in south africa

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Last Update: Wed, 14 Jun 23