Task 7 Put the verbs below in the correct category

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari nnusaly pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Task 7 Put the verbs below in the correct category and write the past form! One has been done for you. build- accompany - continue-catch-develop-dig-fly-employ - hide-follow-knock-lend - pay-laugh-ring - spend-paint-offer-support gist accompany (accompanied) work Task 8 Complete the sentences by changing the words in the brackets into past form! 1. When we (be)... in Japan, we (find)... everything very different. A: (she/go)... to the cinema with her parents last night? 2. B: No, she didn't. She (stay)... at home. She (get)... a cold. Mr. Edward (drive)... to the city center and (buy)... a new bag. James (get up)... early. (wash)... his face, and (brush)... his teeth. Riana (collect) *** all the rubbish in the shool garden and (throw) it into the litter bin. meat yesterday, he (eat)... fish. Wildan (not/eat). *** 7. What animals (you/see)... in the zoo? I (see)... a monkey, a girrafe, and a kangaroo. 8. When (she / write) ... a letter to her grandmother? She (write)... it two days ago. It (not/be)... sunny and warm in the afternoon yesterday, it (be) ... cold and rainy. 10. Last summer, Reza 9. (play)... some games, and (visit)... many interesting places. 3. 4. Regular Verb 5. 6. Irregular Verb build (build-built-built) ** Task 9 Change the sentences into negative and interrogative form! 1. My brother ordered a pizza with cheese and spaghetti for dinner last night. 10 sp 2, Arini attended my birthday party last week. 3. Last Monday, we came to the opening ceremony. 4. fate fried rice for breakfast this morning. 5. I and my classmates went to the museum last month. his friends. They (go) ... swimming. Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMA/MA Semester 2 (Kurikulum 2013 Edisi Revisi)TOLONG DI BANTU YAAA​
Task 7 Put the verbs below in the correct category and write the past form! One has been done for you. build- accompany - continue-catch-develop-dig-fly-employ - hide-follow-knock-lend - pay-laugh-ring - spend-paint-offer-support gist accompany (accompanied) work Task 8 Complete the sentences by changing the words in the brackets into past form! 1. When we (be)... in Japan, we (find)... everything very different. A: (she/go)... to the cinema with her parents last night? 2. B: No, she didn't. She (stay)... at home. She (get)... a cold. Mr. Edward (drive)... to the city center and (buy)... a new bag. James (get up)... early. (wash)... his face, and (brush)... his teeth. Riana (collect) *** all the rubbish in the shool garden and (throw) it into the litter bin. meat yesterday, he (eat)... fish. Wildan (not/eat). *** 7. What animals (you/see)... in the zoo? I (see)... a monkey, a girrafe, and a kangaroo. 8. When (she / write) ... a letter to her grandmother? She (write)... it two days ago. It (not/be)... sunny and warm in the afternoon yesterday, it (be) ... cold and rainy. 10. Last summer, Reza 9. (play)... some games, and (visit)... many interesting places. 3. 4. Regular Verb 5. 6. Irregular Verb build (build-built-built) ** Task 9 Change the sentences into negative and interrogative form! 1. My brother ordered a pizza with cheese and spaghetti for dinner last night. 10 sp 2, Arini attended my birthday party last week. 3. Last Monday, we came to the opening ceremony. 4. fate fried rice for breakfast this morning. 5. I and my classmates went to the museum last month. his friends. They (go) ... swimming. Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMA/MA Semester 2 (Kurikulum 2013 Edisi Revisi)TOLONG DI BANTU YAAA​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


  • Regular: -
    Irregular: Build
  • Regular: Continue
    Irregular: Continued
  • Regular: -
    Irregular: Catch
  • Regular = Develop
    Irregular = Developed
  • Regular = -
    Irregular = Dig
  • Regular -
    Irregular = Fly
  • Regular = Employ
    Irregular = Employed
  • Regular = -
    Irregular = Hide
  • Regular = -
    Irregular = Follow
  • Regular = -
    Irregular = Knock
  • Regular = -
    Irregular = Pay
  • Regular = -
    Irregular = Laugh
  • Regular = -
    Irregular = Ring
  • Regular = -
    Irregular = Spend
  • Regular = Paint
    Irregular = Painted
  • Regular = Offer
    Irregular = Offered
  • Regular = Support
    Irregular = Supported


  • Regular verb adalah kata kerja beraturan yang dimana disebut beraturan karena jika dirubah ke bentuk 'Past Tense' / 'Past Participle Tense' dapat memuat akhiran '-ed ' atau '-d '.
    Contoh: Support -> Support-ed ( Past / Participle )
  • Irregular Verb adalah kata kerja tidak beraturan (kebalikan dari Regular Verb). Disebut tidak beraturan karena verb-nya berubah-rubah ketika dalam bentuk 'Past Tense' / 'Past Participle Tense'.
    Contoh: Hide -> Hid (Past ) -> Hidden (Past Participle )
  • Irregular Verb tidak dapat dirubah menjadi Regular Verb karena bentuknya akan berubah. Walaupun bisa, Regular Verbnya akan berakhiran '-ed' atau '-d'.
    Contoh: Hide (Irregular) -> Hided (Regular, namun nyatanya kata ini tidak ada)

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Last Update: Mon, 17 Apr 23