Why should we keep taking acyclovir although our infection is

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Why should we keep taking acyclovir although our infection is fine?

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Acyclovir is an antiviral medication that is commonly used to treat herpes infections, such as genital herpes and cold sores. Even if your symptoms have improved and the infection appears to have resolved, it is important to continue taking acyclovir for the full prescribed course of treatment.

This is because herpes viruses can remain in your body even when you have no symptoms. If you stop taking acyclovir prematurely, the virus can become active again, and you may experience a recurrence of symptoms.

Additionally, taking acyclovir as prescribed can help prevent the development of drug-resistant strains of the virus. If you stop taking the medication before the prescribed course of treatment is complete, you increase the risk of the virus becoming resistant to the drug.

Therefore, it is important to continue taking acyclovir as directed by your healthcare provider, even if your symptoms have improved.

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Last Update: Wed, 17 May 23