Orchids can be found in the equatorial tropics, the arctic

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari salakdoy96 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Orchids can be found in the equatorial tropics, the arctic tundra, and everywhere in between. Unlike most plants, they do not grow in soil, but high above ground in their natural environment. Their roots attach to trees or rocks where they capture moisture and nutrients that wash over them in the rainforest. Most cultivated orchids are native to the tropics. Because these tropical orchids usually grow high in the trees, rather than on the forest floor, they are accustomed to good air circulation and plenty of light. They prefer a 12-hour day, all year-round, and require a high intensity of light.1) What is the main idea of the paragraph above?
2) What conditions let tropical orchids grow?​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. The main idea of the paragraph is to describe the unique characteristics of orchids and their natural habitat. The author emphasizes that orchids are found in a wide range of environments, from equatorial tropics to arctic tundra, and that they grow differently from most plants.

2. The conditions that let tropical orchids grow are high above ground, attached to trees or rocks, with good air circulation and plenty of light. They prefer a 12-hour day, all year-round, and require a high intensity of light.


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Last Update: Wed, 10 May 23