Bahasa Inggris Buatlah 35 kalimat yang didalamnya ada kalimat Darivation

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Bahasa InggrisBuatlah 35 kalimat yang didalamnya ada kalimat Darivation Beserta strukturnya : Penjelasan → spok"
darivation menggunakan kalimat spok

jawablah dengan bentarrr.terimakasih​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. The explanation was so complicated that it left me feeling bewildered.

Darivation: bewildered (adjective)

Structure: Subject + be verb + so + adjective + that + object

2. Her explanation of the scientific experiment was so clear that even I could understand it.

Darivation: clear (adjective)

Structure: Subject + be verb + so + adjective + that + object + verb + object

3. The professor's explanation of the theory was so fascinating that I couldn't help but listen.

Darivation: fascinating (adjective)

Structure: Subject + be verb + so + adjective + that + subject + modal verb + verb

4. The politician's explanation of the new policy was so vague that it left many people confused.

Darivation: vague (adjective)

Structure: Subject + be verb + so + adjective + that + object + verb + subject

5. The doctor's explanation of the disease was so thorough that I felt reassured about my health.

Darivation: thorough (adjective)

Structure: Subject + be verb + so + adjective + that + subject + verb

6. The lawyer's explanation of the legal contract was so detailed that it took over an hour to go through it.

Darivation: detailed (adjective)

Structure: Subject + be verb + so + adjective + that + subject + verb + preposition + object

7. The teacher's explanation of the math problem was so concise that we all understood it quickly.

Darivation: concise (adjective)

Structure: Subject + be verb + so + adjective + that + subject + verb + object + adverb

8. The journalist's explanation of the current events was so informative that I learned a lot about the world.

Darivation: informative (adjective)

Structure: Subject + be verb + so + adjective + that + subject + verb + object

9. The engineer's explanation of the building design was so technical that I couldn't understand it.

Darivation: technical (adjective)

Structure: Subject + be verb + so + adjective + that + subject + modal verb + negative + verb

10. The chef's explanation of the recipe was so simple that even a beginner could follow it.

Darivation: simple (adjective)

Structure: Subject + be verb + so + adjective + that + object + modal verb + verb

11. The coach's explanation of the game strategy was so clear that the team was able to win.

Darivation: clear (adjective)

Structure: Subject + be verb + so + adjective + that + object + subject + modal verb + verb

12. The designer's explanation of the fashion trend was so persuasive that I ended up buying the outfit.

Darivation: persuasive (adjective)

Structure: Subject + be verb + so + adjective + that + subject + verb + object

13. The architect's explanation of the building plan was so innovative that it won an award.

Darivation: innovative (adjective)

Structure: Subject + be verb + so + adjective + that + subject + verb + object

14. The scientist's explanation of the research findings was so convincing that it was published in a journal.

Darivation: convincing (adjective)

Structure: Subject + be verb + so + adjective + that + object + passive verb

15. The manager's explanation of the company's goals was so inspiring that I felt motivated to work harder.

Darivation: inspiring (adjective)

Structure: Subject + be verb + so + adjective + that + object + verb + adverb

16. The writer's explanation of the story plot was so intriguing that I couldn't put the book down.

Darivation: intriguing (adjective)

Structure: Subject + be verb + so + adjective + that + subject + modal verb + negative

17. The speaker's explanation of the topic was so engaging that the audience was captivated.

Darivation: engaging (adjective)

Structure: Subject + be verb + so + adjective + that + object + passive verb

18. The artist's explanation of the painting was so abstract that it left me feeling confused.

Darivation: abstract (adjective)

Structure: Subject + be verb + so + adjective + that + object + verb + object

19. The musician's explanation of the song lyrics was so poetic that it brought tears to my eyes.

Darivation: poetic (adjective)

Structure: Subject + be verb + so + adjective + that + object + verb + object

20. The therapist's explanation of the mental disorder was so complex that it required several sessions to fully understand it.

Darivation: complex (adjective)

Structure: Subject + be verb + so + adjective + that + subject + verb + noun clause

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Last Update: Sun, 21 May 23