"Let's work together to plan our texts to tell our

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari hijjatulamalia841 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

"Let's work together to plan our texts to tell our experience?" "Okay. I'll tell how my brother and I made the garden benches." T'll tell how we won the First Prize of the Classroom Competition. What about you, Lina?" "I will tell my sister's funny experience last Saturday. She went to school on Saturday!" din "Let's start with Edo's story. First, how did you and your brother have the idea of making garden benches?" Edo: "My father cut down the old mango tree behind our house three weeks ago. We saw a big piece of wood. Then we had the idea." ne "What did you do?" Edo "We told Dad that we wanted to make garden benches from the wood. He agreed and he would help us." on Udin: "What did your father do to help you?" Edo: "He sawed the wood into three pieces, 25 cm in diameter and 25 cm in height." na: "And after that?" "After that, we rubbed them with sandpaper to make them smooth. Then, we dried them in the sun for a week." in: "When they were dry, what did you do?" "We painted them, one green, one red, and one blue. Then, we dried them again in the sun for three days." - "Okay. Now let's help Edo write his experience in a good order."coba buat paragraf minimal 5 paragraf!​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Edo and his brother had a great experience making garden benches from a piece of wood that was left from a mango tree that was cut down. They first approached their father with the idea and he agreed to help them. With the help of their father, they sawed the wood into three pieces and then rubbed them with sandpaper to make them smooth. They left the benches in the sun to dry for a week before painting them green, red, and blue. After letting the paint dry for three days, the garden benches were ready to be used.

The hard work and creativity put into making the garden benches paid off when Edo and his brother won the First Prize of the Classroom Competition. This was a great achievement for the brothers and a testament to the value of putting effort into a project and working together.

On the other hand, Lina had a funny experience to share about her sister going to school on Saturday. This experience shows that even though the situation was unexpected, Lina and her sister were able to find humor in it and make the best of the situation.

Overall, these experiences demonstrate the value of working together, being creative, and finding the good in every situation. These are important lessons that can be applied in various aspects of life, including school and personal relationships.

By sharing their experiences, Edo, Lina, and Udin were able to learn from each other and gain a new perspective on the value of teamwork, creativity, and finding the good in unexpected situations. These lessons will stay with them and serve as a reminder to always strive for success, no matter the challenges that come their way.

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Last Update: Sat, 13 May 23