6. Did the elephant run with the other animals?7. Was

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari azizah45254 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

6. Did the elephant run with the other animals?7. Was the elephant afraid of the tiger?

8. What did the elephant do?

9. What happened to the elephant in the end?

10. What do you think the elephant felt at the end of the story?

mohon bantuannya ya kk​
6. Did the elephant run with the other animals?7. Was the elephant afraid of the tiger?8. What did the elephant do?9. What happened to the elephant in the end?10. What do you think the elephant felt at the end of the story?mohon bantuannya ya kk​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


6. No, because the elephants tried to save they're all from a tiger that wants to eat them all

7. No, which are actually the elephant commemorates the tiger

8. warned the tiger

9. all was well and the elephants returned to the forest to tell the good news that the tiger was gone and they were safe

10. relieved


1. looking for a friends

2. 4 animals

3. mocked him and treated him as if he was just a big animal and couldn't be friends with them

4. he was very sad his friendship was not accepted because of his big body

5. because tigers are looking for prey and they will be used as food

smg membantu

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Last Update: Mon, 22 May 23