18 a. work b. works 19. a. b. 20. a.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari fera2659gmailcom pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

18 a. work b. works 19. a. b. 20. a. I 21. a. b. 11. C. she b. you d. they For questions 21 to 25, change the words between the brackets correctly! 22. a. b. Mrs. White is a teacher. She ... (21. each) English, math, and geography. At the moment, she ... (22. stand) in front of the class. She... (23. explain) about the location of Indonesia. She lives in Jakarta. She... (24. have) three children. They... (25. love) any animal, but they don't have any pets. Because they live in an apartment. 23. a. b. take takes 24. a. teach teaches worked dworking took d. taken stand stands explain explained c. d. taught is teaching is standing stood explains d. c. d. is explaining have is having Answer the questions correctly! C. had d. has 25. a. love b. loves a. read b. reads 26. Andri: "What is she doing?" Aisha: "She ... the materials for tomorrow's test." 27. Peter a. b. C. d. :... you... your project?" Tiana: "Yes, it's still in progress." Did - finish C. Have finished Has-finished d. Are - finishing 28 Nani: "What song.... he...? I've never heard of it." Jacky a. was - playing c. does - play b. is - playing d. are playing C. d. loved are loving a. check b. "I don't know. But it sounds wonderful." was reading is reading 29. Our English teacher always.... our homework every week. is walking c. d. checking checks checked 30. Every day the security officer at my school .... around the building once every hour. a. walks c. to be walking b. d. walking​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


18. a. work

19. a. (no change)

20. a. I

21. a. (no change)

For questions 21 to 25:

22. b. Mrs. White is a teacher. She teaches English, math, and geography.

23. b. She takes (present tense) in front of the class.

24. a. She has three children.

25. b. They love any animal, but they don't have any pets.

Answer the questions correctly:

26. Aisha: "She is preparing the materials for tomorrow's test."

27. Peter: "Have you finished your project?"

28. Nani: "What song is he playing? I've never heard of it."

29. Our English teacher always checks our homework every week.

30. Every day the security officer at my school walks around the building once every hour.

Semoga dengan pertanyaan yang sudah terjawab oleh Abee09 dapat membantu memudahkan mengerjakan soal, tugas dan PR sekolah kalian.

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Last Update: Thu, 31 Aug 23