change the sentences into negative and introgrative form! ​

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari mia4433a pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Change the sentences into negative and introgrative form! ​
change the sentences into negative and introgrative form! ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


(+) Cuba has been a socialist country since 1959

(–) Cuba has not been a socialist country since 1959

(?) Has Cuba been a socialist country since 1959?

(+) I have taken care of my neighbor's cats while they are away

(–) I have not taken care of my neighbor's cats while they are away

(?) Have I taken care of my neighbor's cats while they are away?

(+) I have had my car for three years

(–) I have not had my car for three years

(?) Have I had my car for three years?

(+) The boxer has ever won an important fight

() The boxer has not ever won an important fight

(?) Has the boxer ever won an important fight?

(+) John and Mary have quarreled with each other since the day they got married

(–) John and Mary have not quarreled with each other since the day they got married

(?) Have John and Mary quarreled with each other since the day they got married?

(+) It has rained hard since last night

(–) It has not rained hard since last night

(?) Has it rained hard since last night?

(+) I have felt well lately

(–) I have not felt well lately

(?) Have I felt well lately?


Present Perfect Tense

Verbal sentence (Kalimat kerja)

(+) Subject + have/has + V3 + object/adverb

(–) Subject + have/has + not + V3 + object/adverb

(?) Have/has + Subject + V3 + object/adverb + ?

Nominal sentence (Kalimat nominal)

(+) Subject + have/has + been + object/adverb

(–) Subject + have/has + not + been + object/adverb

(?) Have/has + Subject + been + object/adverb + ?

has: he, she, it, dan subjek tunggal

have: I, you, we, they, dan untuk subjek jamak

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Last Update: Sat, 07 Jan 23