31) She (be) happier if she (have) more friends. (Tipe

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari mutiara93dafa pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

31) She (be) happier if she (have) more friends. (Tipe 2)32) We (buy) a house if we (decide) to stay here. (Tipe 1)
33) They (have) more money if they (not/buy) so many clothes. .(Tipe 3)
34) We (come) to dinner if we (have) time. .(Tipe 3)
35) She (call) him if she (have) his number. (Tipe 2)
36) They (go) to Spain on holiday if they (like) hot weather..(Tipe 3)
37) She (pass) the exam if she (study) more. (Tipe 2)
38) I (marry) someone famous if I (be) a movie star. .(Tipe 3)
39) We (not/be) late again if we (buy) a new car. (Tipe 2)
40) You (lose) weight if you (eat) less. .(Tipe 3)​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1. she will be happier if she has more friends

2. we will buy a house if we have decided to stay here

3. they should have more money if they don't buy so many clothes

4. we will come to dinner if we have more time

5. she would call him if she has his nunber

6. they would go to spain on holifay if they like hot weather

7. she will pass the exam if she study more

8. i would marry someone famous if i was a movie star

9. we shouldn't late again if we bought a new car

10. you will lose weight if you eat less

maaf yaa kalo salah

aku sebisa mungkin biar ga salah

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Last Update: Sun, 25 Dec 22