Practice the following conversation. Speaker 1: So, what are you

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari dorremiiii pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Practice the following conversation. Speaker 1: So, what are you planting,Speaker 2: Chili.

Speaker 1: How old is it? Oou, about one month or so.

Speaker 2: now, Sir?

Speaker 1: How do you see your yield this year, Sir?

Speaker 2: Well, cannot be sure with all these fluctuations.

Speaker 1: What fluctuations? The weather, you know. They're so unpredictable these

Speaker 2: days. We want rain, and there is none. We don't want it, and it's pouring.

Speaker 1: How does that affect the chili plants?

Speaker 2: Well, you know. An enough amount of rain will be allright. In fact, it will do some good to the plants. A lot of it? Disaster.

Speaker 1: How is that so?

Speaker 2: First, too much rain will be harmful to the quality of the fruits. Secondly, it brings in pests, too.

Speaker 1: How bad are the fungi for the plants.

Speaker 2: Quite bad. It destroys the shape of chili. And then, they don't want to buy product.

Speaker 1: Suppose, you reap good yield? Speaker 2: Lot of money, young man. Lot of money.

Speaker 1: Really?

speaker 2 : If they come out good, I'll get high quality chili, and the market will pay dearly for that.

Speaker 1: And what about all the investment?

Speaker 2 : Oh, sure. Some of the money will be enough to pay back all 1 get from the bank. After that, you just name it. A new motorcycle, a VCD player, anything we can
get them.

speaker 1 : Wow. Sounds wonderful.

Speaker 2: That is, if the weather's friendly.

Speaker 1: Yes, if the weather's friendly. Speaker 2: If it rains a little too much, then there is the end of it.

Sale price will drop. The market is reluctant to buy the chilis. And then, we'll just bite our finger.

Speaker 1: You mean you won't be able to pay the bank?
Speaker 2: No. We'll still be able to cover the investment cost.But, that's all to it. We'll just get enough for the bank. Then, we won't be able to buy those things, you know.

Speaker 1: Wish you good weather, Sir. And thank you very much for the interview.

Speaker 2: Sure. No problem. What's all this for, by the way?

Speaker 1: School assignment, Sir.

Speaker 2 :Gee. Good luck, young man.

Speaker 1: Thank you, Sir. Good-bye.

Exercise 1 Comprehension check: Give short answers.
1. What is Speaker 1? Speaker 2?
2. What are they talking about?
3. Why can't Speaker 2 make a prediction of his yield?
4. Doesn't Speaker 1 respect Speaker 2? How can you tell?
5. How is rain good for Speaker 2? How is it bad?
6. What does Speaker 2 mean by that (line 11)?
7. Would you wish him good weather, too? 8. How will Speaker 2 respond at the end of the interview?​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. two people talking to eachother

2. chilli, investments and the weather

3. amount of rain

4. yes, they seem very friendly to speaker 2

5. too much rain could be harmful for the plants

6. to much rain could bring some animals that are harmful for plants

7. yes, i wish a good weather for speaker 2

8. wishing speaker 1 good luck


maaf ya kalo salah

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Last Update: Thu, 05 May 22