It was the beginning of July, My parents and I

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari keysak526 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

It was the beginning of July, My parents and I were in a plane heading home to Jakarta from A crew announced the passengers that we were going to land in the airport in a few minutes While listening to the announcement, I was looking outside through the window and saw how da the sky was. It was raining heavily and lightnings sparked here and there.Suddenly, I felt the plane went bumpy. The impact was low at the beginning, however it gradually became terrible. Everything shook terribly. People started to scream in fear. I hold my parents' hands. I heard my Dad was praying while Mom tried to soothe me. Fortunately, our plane landed safely at the airport under that extreme weather. I thanked God for saving my parents, me, and all the passengers.Questions:
1. What does the text tell about?
2. Where did the writer and writer's parent go for vacation?
3. What was the writer's mother doing during the turbulence?
4. What was the cause of the turbulence?
5. "... however it gradually became terrible." What does the underlined word refer to?


Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. The text tells about the writer's experience when the writer were heading home to Jakarta with a plane.

2. It doesn't say, sorry.

3. The writer's mother was soothing the writer during the turbulence.

4. The cause of the turbulence is most likely because of the weather, heavy rain and lightnings.

5. Gradually became terrible means that as time goes by, the condition became worse.


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Last Update: Wed, 31 Aug 22