Change the Active Sentences below into Passive Voice ! 1. A

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari senkaisen pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Change the Active Sentences below into Passive Voice !1. A doctor is examining a patient at this moment.
2. Workers always do their work on time.
3. I will have accepted my degree by the beginning of next year.
4. A passenger reserved a flight ticket last week.
5. we have discussed it since this morning.
6.They will give the proposal to the Company next month.
7. A technician was repairing my computer when you called me.
8. The boy speaks English everyday with his friends.
9. the teachers are attending a seminar in the Meeting room now.
10. The students had presented their presentation when the bell rang.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


-passive voice-

  1. A patient is being examined by a doctor at this moment
  2. Their work is always done by workers on time.
  3. My degree will has been accepted by the beginning of next year.
  4. A flight ticket was reserved by a passenger last week.
  5. It has been discussed by us this morning.
  6. The proposal will be given by them to the company next month.
  7. My computer was being repaired by a technician when I was called.
  8. English is spoken by the boy everyday with his friends.
  9. A seminar is being attended by the teachers in the meeting room now.
  10. Their presentation had been presented by the students when the bell rang.


Kalimat pasif merupakan suatu kalimat yang menyatakan subyek diperlakukan oleh obyek sehingga obyek merupakan pelaku utama dan subyek sebagai penerima dari perlakuan obyek terhadapnya.

Untuk menggunakan kalimat pasif:

  • gunakan verba bentuk ketiga (past participle)
  • adanya penyesuaian to be berdasarkan tense yang dibentuk
  • memindahkan posisi obyek sebagai subyek dan sebaliknya subyek menjadi obyek


Dalam kalimat pasif, to be yang disesuaikan harus sesuai berdasarkan subyeknya.

to be untuk present tense:

  • is: he, she, it, name, object
  • am: I
  • are: you, they, we, names, objects

to be untuk past tense

  • was: I, he, she, it, name, object
  • were: you, they, we, names, objects

to has untuk present tense:

  • has: he, she, it, name, object
  • have: I, you, they, we, names, objects

Adapun penggunaan kata kerja bantu yang tidak menyesuaikan subyeknya sehingga dapat berlaku ke semua subyek seperti:

  • had
  • will
  • would
  • can
  • could
  • may
  • might

Dengan kata kerja bantu be untuk dilengkapi sufiksasi digunakan untuk:

  • be: simple
  • been: perfect
  • being: continuous

Sekian dan terima kasih. Semoga bisa membantu dan semoga sukses ya!

Learn more:

-passive voice-


Subject: English

Material: Passive Voice

Level: High (SHS)

  • Grade: 11

Subject code: 5

Categorization code: 11.5

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Last Update: Sun, 16 May 21