Use because and because of to complete these sentences 1.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari dwiagustinawidianti2 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Use because and because of to complete these sentences1. We stayed at home...the weather was very hot.
2. She missed the class....Her bad illness.
3. We postponed our program.....the condition of the Country was not possible
4. My Mother will not vook .....her bussines at home.
5. I couls not do my test.. .It was very dificult.
6. My father can not buy that car ...its very expensive price
7. We failed in our test ....your fault that you have made.
8. The Teacher was very angry....The student's absece
9. My friend lost his money.....he forget where he put it.
10. The plants were rotten .....the lack of water.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. we stayed at home because the weather was very hot

2. she missed the class because of Her bad illness.

3. We postponed our program because the condition of the Country was not possible

4. My Mother will not cook because her bussines at home.

5. I couls not do my test because It was very dificult.

6. My father can not buy that car beacuse of its very expensive price

7. We failed in our test because of your fault that you have made.

8. The Teacher was very angry because of The student's absece

9. My friend lost his money because he forget where he put it.

10. The plants were rotten because of the lack of water.

Jadikn yg terbaik yah :)

Stay safe and stay healthy

maaf kalau ada yang salah but im pretty sure im right

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Last Update: Wed, 12 May 21