11. The . . . . . thing to do

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari salmafitriana2005 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

11. The . . . . . thing to do in airport is follow the regulations.a. more important b. most important c. important

12. Honey is . . . . biscuits.

a. sweat than b. more sweeter than c. more sweetest

Arrange the jumble sentence

13. the boys - and - the girls - are - different - from - their appearance - mentally and physically

2 3 5 8 1 4 6 7

- and -are - the girls -from - the boys -their appearance -mentally and physically -different

3 8 5 4 2 6 7 1

a. 2-3-5-8-1-4-6-7 b. 5-3-2-8-6-1-4-7 c. 2-3-5-8-1-4-7-6

Fill the blank with appropriate word

15. I don’t . . . . the invitation card, maybe I am missed from Retno’s guest party list.

a. accept b. receive c. swallow

16. the ash from volcano can . . . . plant and destroy harvesting

a. suffocate b. stretch c. grow

17. flood is amount of water enter the . . . . land

a. citizen b. higher c. hail

18. Liquor is . . . . to be traded freely in Indonesia

a. banned b. ordered c. required

Number 19-20 base on the text

1 May is celebrated in most countries in the world, including Indonesia. In the country, thousands of labors will down to the street. They mobilized as many as they can labors from various companies and manufacturers. There are many labor organizations in Indonesia, and all of them will down to the street to celebrate the May Day.

However, the celebration is often used for demanding new salary rate. Many experts said that Indonesian labors are still too cheap because other countries in Asia have decided to raise the salary rate. Because of the celebration, most main streets in the country will be full of labors. The demonstration often resulting chaos, especially if the idea of labor did not obey by the government. The Indonesian government has decided to make the May Day as public holiday, where all companies, institutions and schools do not use the day for doing activities.

19. what is the purpose of 1 May mobilization labors used to?

a. demanding new salary rate b. in order the government dismiss schooling c. to make chaos

20. They mobilized as many as they can labors from various companies and manufacturers.

The underlined has a synonym with . . . .

a. worker b. employees c. demonstrators

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


11. B


13. The boys and the girls are different from their appearance mentally and physically

15. B

16. A

17. A

18. A

19. A

20. A

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Last Update: Mon, 07 Jun 21