Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari chindyyohana pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas
31. What do you find something useful after reading the text?A. To become a successful person, you have to be very sick.
B. Having great effort is the key to be a famous inventor.
C. Having enough formal education is the key of success.
D. To become a famous inventor, you need to be genius.
32. What happened after Edison saved a boy from being run over by a train? Edison ....
A. invented the long-lasting light bulb
B. became very sick and partially deaf
C. improved his ability in operating the telegraph
D. made improvement in reading, writing, and arithmetic
33. Where was Edison born?
A. In Ohio.
B. In Michigan
C. In New Jersey
D. In Washington DC.
B. Having great effort is the key to be a famous inventor.
C. Having enough formal education is the key of success.
D. To become a famous inventor, you need to be genius.
32. What happened after Edison saved a boy from being run over by a train? Edison ....
A. invented the long-lasting light bulb
B. became very sick and partially deaf
C. improved his ability in operating the telegraph
D. made improvement in reading, writing, and arithmetic
33. Where was Edison born?
A. In Ohio.
B. In Michigan
C. In New Jersey
D. In Washington DC.
Jawaban dan Penjelasan
Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.
31. C. havinng enough formal education is the key of successm
32. C. improved his ability in operating the telegraph.
33. A. in Ohio.
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Last Update: Wed, 07 Jul 21