day The result of the exam would be announced the

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari novitaclara13111986 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Day The result of the exam would be announced the next day Bur considering themember that day. It was a day that I will never forget. I was at my home after having the
e cam location. I asked my friend to check the result of the exam
That morning was having a morning tea while waiting for my friend call. My parents and
us that morning as the result of the exam was important for me to continue to higher school
without having the results while taking a sip of tea; suddenly the phone rang and I was so
ciel when my mom told me it was my friend. I ran towards phone as soon as possible. I grabbed
home from my mom and started miscible of question on my friend. From the other end
od at me and suggested to keep clam and allow her to speak. She said that I got the highest mark
at the exam participants. Listening this I shouted, oh reallyil
! My mother came running towards me.
he was so happy. She started crying and give me a tight hug. She said that she was very proud of me
12 What did the story tell us about?
To tell the reader about the exam
b. To entertain the reader with the story
To explain about the writer experience waiting the exam result
d. To describe the writer's activity
To inform about the writer's dream
13. What did the writer do while waiting his friend call?
He was dreaming about the result
b. He was nervous and crying
He was having a morning tea
d. He was running near the park
e. He was grabbed the phone from his mom
14. Why the writes mother started crying and gave a tight hug?
a. Because the writer got the highest mark all the exam participants
b. Because the writer didn't pass the exam
c. Because the writer got his morning tea while waiting
d. Because the writer is the only one children in the family
Because the writer was so excited to hear the phone rang
15.1 grabbed the phone from mom and started miscible of questions on my frien
underline word has the same meaning with....
a Compound d. Dissociate
b. Draining e. Estrange

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Last Update: Mon, 05 Jul 21