I.                 PASSIVE VOICE (change active to passive)1.     Someone built the

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari viarenata1106 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

I.                 PASSIVE VOICE (change active to passive)1.     Someone built the house ten years ago

2.     Someone invited you to a party

3.     Someone wrote that book in 1982

4.     People grow rice in many countries

5.     The secretary is typing the letter

6.     Someone is televising the game

7.     Teacher teach reading in the first grade

8.     Someone made that hat in Mexico

9.     Someone has sent an invitation to a wedding

10.  Somebody told you to be here at ten

I.                 PASSIVE VOICE (change active to passive)

1.     Someone built the house ten years ago

2.     Someone invited you to a party

3.     Someone wrote that book in 1982

4.     People grow rice in many countries

5.     The secretary is typing the letter

6.     Someone is televising the game

7.     Teacher teach reading in the first grade

8.     Someone made that hat in Mexico

9.     Someone has sent an invitation to a wedding

10.  Somebody told you to be here at ten


Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1.     Someone built the house ten years ago( active)

=The house was built someone ten years (passive)

2.     Someone invited you to a party(active)

=You are invited someone to a party (passive)

3.     Someone wrote that book in 1982(active)

=That book was wrote someone to in 1982(passive)

4.     People grow rice in many countries(active)

=The rice is grow people in many countries (passive)

5.     The secretary is typing the letter(active)

=The letter is being typing the secretary (passive)

Rumus :

No.1 & 3 (Simple Past tense)


No. 2 & 4 (Simple present tense)


No. 5 (Present continous)


Kata kunci:

-Passive voice



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Last Update: Thu, 10 Jun 21