Lani went to the Borobudur Temple last week. She(6).......there with

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari zeez12 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Lani went to the Borobudur Temple last week. She(6).......there with her teacher andclassmates.(7)...the view of the temple. Besides, she (8).... the pictures of the temple.
She was amazed with the large temple. She (9)....the temple's very great and beautiful
she and her classmate (10)....very happy to visit the temple.
6. A. Go
b. went
d. gone
7. A. Enjoyed
b. enjoys
c. Enjoy
d. enjoying
8. A. Take
b. taking
c. Takes
d. took
9. A. Think
b. was thinking
c. Thought
d. thinks
10. A. Was
b. are
c. were
d. did​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Lani went to the Borobudur Temple last week. She(6).......there with her teacher and

classmates.(7)...the view of the temple. Besides, she (8).... the pictures of the temple.

She was amazed with the large temple. She (9)....the temple's very great and beautiful

she and her classmate (10)....very happy to visit the temple.

6. A. Go

b. went


d. gone

jawaban: b. went

7. A. Enjoyed

b. enjoys

c. Enjoy

d. enjoying

jawaban: A. enjoyed

8. A. Take

b. taking

c. Takes

d. took

jawaban: d. took

9. A. Think

b. was thinking

c. Thought

d. thinks

jawaban: C. thought

10. A. Was

b. are

c. were

d. did

jawaban: C. were


semoga membantu!!!


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Last Update: Wed, 23 Jun 21