Task (16)Fill in the missing words:.. Tom...most interesting.... ancient....cleverest..... bad

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari yenniadriyanti07 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Task (16)Fill in the missing words:
.. Tom.
..most interesting..
.. ancient...
.. bad yesterday..
.. the Nile?
.. worst.
1. I am older...
2. This book is ...
3. New York is not...
4. He is...
5. It was not ...
6. Is the Volga longer....
7. Today's weather is
8. Fred is.
9. This hotel is
10. My dog is better
. . . . all.
... Rome.
.. the class.
.. it is today
... the week.
the three
.. yours.
ckets into the correct form:

Task (16)Fill in the missing words:.. Tom...most interesting.... ancient....cleverest..... bad yesterday.... the Nile?.. worst.tallest...:1. I am older...2. This book is ...3. New York is not...4. He is...5. It was not ...6. Is the Volga longer....7. Today's weather is8. Fred is.9. This hotel is10. My dog is better. . . . all.... Rome... the class... it is today... the week.the threethat.comfortable.. yours.ckets into the correct form:​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.




3. That

4. The most....Student

5. Really

6. Than

7. Not the

8. The most...over

9. More

10. Than


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Last Update: Tue, 11 May 21