TextOnce a fisheman named Batara Guru Sabala lived in Batakland

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari bismikanurul pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

TextOnce a fisheman named Batara Guru Sabala lived in Batakland One day, he migh
* ish To his surprise, he found that the fish could tall! It begged Sahala to set it free
Sahala did accordingly
As soon as the fish was tree, it changed into a woman. She was so beautiful that the
fisherman fell in love with her at once He asked her to marry him The woman agreed
to marry Sahale. However, she told him that he must never let out the secret that she was
once in fish Sahala promised her that he would not tell anyone about in
They were happily married, and had two daughters Every monung. Sahala went out
fishing. His daughters would bring him his lunch. One day, however, instead of bangmg
the food to their father, the gurls atc it. When Salala learn what they had done with
lus meal lic got very angry He shouted at them saying. You behaved exactly like the
daughters of a fish
The girls did not understand what their father mount. They went home and asked them
mother abont it. Whou they told her what he had and she was very annoyed. Although
Sahala apologized to her later, she would not forgive him for breaking los promise
Then the earth began to tremble, and volcanoes started to erupa. The earth cracked to
forn a big hole. People said that this hole became Lake Toba
1. Why did the giri's mother get angry with Sahala?
A She broke his promise
B. He did not get the food
She apologized for the daughters.
D. The guis did not understand hum

plisss kak ​

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baca di teks nya ada itu

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Last Update: Tue, 08 Jun 21