Kids will always seek thrills andexcitement. They need to practice

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari ayudiva886 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Kids will always seek thrills andexcitement. They need to practice their
180s, 360s and Ollie's free from restrictions.
We must build skate parks in the suburbs so
that streets are safe for small children and
senior citizens and skaters have spaces
where they can race, chase, speed, and
soar towards the sun.
The maior of each city will have to think
over the way how to educate people, so that
they realize on how important cleanliness
and health are for their own sake. Building
more public lavatories at every busy place
is very badly needed.
It will be wise if the Major decides a
certain amount of fine to be paid by those
who disobey the government regulation
on cleanliness matter. A man who urinate
not at lavatory, smoke not at smoking
room or throw rubbish at the roads should
be fined for instance. Besides dirtying
the environment with cigarettes' butts,
smoking will also cause pollution and lungs
disease to other people.
So bad habits and impolite attitude
should be immediately stopped, otherwise
the city will be dirty, unhealthy badly polluted
and will never attract foreign or domestic
15. Where do the kids usually ride their
a. In front of the supermarket.
b. In the main roads and foot paths.
C. In front of their home.
d. In the suburbs.
e. In the park.
16. What is the main idea of paragraph three
a. How to prevent overweight by skate-
b. Skateboarding is a serious sport.
c. Kids seek an excitement in skate.
d. There is no safe place for skateboarders.
e. The goodness of skateboarding.
17. What must we do to let the skaters play?
a. Join with them anywhere.
b. Give them space in the park.
C. Let them play in the main roads.
d. Build a skate park in the suburbs.
e. Let them play in the local street.
The following text is for number 18 to 20.
Let's Make City Clean and Fresh
A clean and fresh city will surely make
the inhabitants healthy. Every morning
especially in dry season, all roads must be
watered with clean water and swept by the
workers of the regional government under
the Major's instruction.
To keep the people from heavy pollution
caused by cars, trucks and motorcycles,
enough trees must be planted along all
roads. Every building or house in the city
must be surrounded short and small trees
which bear colorful flower.
Bad and improper habits which cause
disadvantages, bad smell and dangerous
diseases to people such as smoking and
throwing rubbish anywhere should be
stopped at once
18. According to the text above we know that
the city inhabitants ... to protect people from
pollution caused by cars.
a. smoke at the smoking room
b. throw the rubbish at the road
c. urinate at the lavatory
d. stop smoking
e. plant trees
19. What is the difference between paragraph
two and four?
a. Pragraph two talks about protecting
people from pollution and paragraph
four talks about what the city mayor
should do
b. The idea stated in paragraph four is
contrary to that stated in paragraph two.
c. It is necessary to find people who break
the goverment regulations.
d. Both paragraph two and four tell how to
protect people from pollution.
e. Both paragraph two and four talk about
the condition of a city.
20. Which of the following helps clean the air
from dust?
a. Watering roads especially in dry season
b. Planting trees along the road sides.
c. Urinate is not in lavatory.
d. Throwing rubbish anywhere.
e. Smoking only in a smoking area.​

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Last Update: Tue, 08 Jun 21