book in the libraryA pilot is a person who flies25.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari anantadea043 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Book in the libraryA pilot is a person who flies
25. Tanjung mas is the name of a/an
26. The patients must take their three times a day
27. Mr. Dahlan is a He have operated the patient
Fill in the blanks with suitable word from the box!
Railway station Doctor
Airport Reading
Advice Rtomachache Catalogue
28. We are the books in the library
29. We need for looking the books in the library
30. The train stop at the
31 Garuda Indonesia Airways, Merpati Airline, Lion Air and so on are the name of the planes. They stop at
32. Sinta is a She helps the doctor inject the patient
33. Don't eat "rujak" in the morning, if you don't want to have a
34. The victims of the accident were taken to hospital in an ....
35. If you want to get well soon, you must follow the doctor's
II. Answer these following questions on the answer sheet!
Arrange these words into good sentences! For number 36 - 38.
36. a- reads - Budi - book-in-the- library
37 a-t-is-magazine
38. dictionary - The-is-thick​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

24. A pilot is a person who flies an aeroplane.

25. Tanjung mas is the name of a/an harbour.

26. The patients must take their medicine three times a day

27. Mr. Dahlan is a doctor. He have operated the patient.

28. We are reading the books in the library

29. We need catalogue for looking the books in the library

30. The train stop at the railway station

31 Garuda Indonesia Airways, Merpati Airline, Lion Air and so on are the name of the planes. They stop at

the airport.

32. Sinta is a nurse. She helps the doctor inject the patient.

33. Don't eat "rujak" in the morning, if you don't want to have a stomachache.

34. The victims of the accident were taken to hospital in an ambulance

35. If you want to get well soon, you must follow the doctor's prescription

36. a- reads - Budi - book-in-the- library = Budi reads a book in the library.

37 a-t-is-magazine = ? (gk bisa jawab krn sebagian kata hilang)

38. dictionary - The-is-thick = The dictionary is thick

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Last Update: Sun, 06 Jun 21