Text for questions number 9 to 13Hello, I'm Yoga. I'm

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari adifadli62 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Text for questions number 9 to 13Hello, I'm Yoga. I'm the student of the
fifth grade in Nusa Bangsa Elementary
School. There is a library in my school. It
is located in front of the teacher's room.
It is big and clean. There are many kinds
of books there such as encyclopedia,
novel, science book, and many more. I
like to read books there. I like to read the
science book. Sometimes, I borrow the
book to read at home. I need a library
card to borrow the book.
9. A: "What is Yoga?"
B: "He is a ....
14. N-B-1-L-R-A-R-A-1
The correct arrangement is .....
15. A: "Can I borrow this ....?"
B: "Yes, you can."
a. encyclopedia
b. magazine
C. newspaper
d. catalogue
16. A: "May I read this book?"
a. student
b. teacher
C. librarian
d. headmaster
10. A: "Where is the library located?"
B: "It is ....
a. next to the classroom
b. in front of the canteen
c. in front of the teacher's room
d behind the canteen
a. Yes, you can
b. No, you may
C. No you may not
d. Yes, you can't
17. read - 1 - to - like - in- library - the
- novel
The correct arrangement is
a. Like to read novell in the library
b. I like to read novel in the library
C. In the library I like to read novel
d. Novel I like to read in the library
18. We look for the meaning of difficult word
in the
11. A: "How is the library?"
B: "It is ....
a. small and clean
b. big and dirty
C. big and clean
d. dirty and small
12. Yoga's favorite book is
a. history book
b. novel
c. encyclopedia
d. science book
13. Sometimes, I borrow the book to read
at home
Borrow in Indonesian is
a catalogue
b, encyclopedia
c. dictionary
d. novel
19. I put the book in the bookshell
Bookshelf in Indonesian is.
a rak buku
bi laman
c. meja
20. Aku sering membaca majalah

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.



14. c librarian

15. a. encyclopedia

16. a. yes you can

10. c. in front of the teachers room

17. b. i like to read novel ini the library

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Last Update: Fri, 16 Jul 21