Help me!!! tolong jawab yg bener, kl misal jawab ngarang

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari elvasantoso pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Help me!!! tolong jawab yg bener, kl misal jawab ngarang ak laporin. ini ak kasih poinnya lumayan gedeThe Process of Rain

The process of rain is the nature phenomenon that form cycle rotation of the water on earth. In simple way, the stages of rain process describe the process of water transmigration from ocean, sea, river, lake and other water sources to the atmosphere and then back to the land. The rain process starts from the heat of the sun which makes the water surface from the sea, river, and lake evaporate to the air. The high temperature because of the sun heat caused the water vapor having a condensation and turns into liquid droplets. The liquid droplets getting heavy by the high temperature and then it changed into clouds. With the help from the wind, the clouds can move to other places. The wind makes the size of the cloud increase and every cloud will overlap. Then, it will reach the atmosphere which has a lower temperature. In this temperature, the particles of water is formed. Finally, when the wind can not resist the weight of the cloud, the cloud which is filled with water will through a process called precipitation. In this last process, rain falls down to the earth.

Tuliskan kata/kalimat yg termasuk ke dalam :
a. Simple present tense
b. Passive voice
c. Noun phrase/phrase

thankyou, nanti ak jadiin jawaban terbaik yg jawabannya lengkap

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Simple Present Tense: (jenis tenses yang digunakan untuk berbicara mengenai tindakan atau peristiwa yang berulang kali atau permanen, pernyataan atau suatu hal yang selalu benar).

  • The liquid droplets getting heavy by the high temperature and then it changed into clouds.
  • The process of rain is the nature phenomenon that form cycle rotation of the water on earth.
  • The rain process starts from the heat of the sun which
  • The high temperature because of the sun heat.

Passive voice: (kalimat pasif)

  • not resist the weight of the cloud
  • process, rain falls down to the earth.

Noun phrase/phrase: (frasa)

  • cycle rotation
  • atmosphere
  • transmigration
  • liquid droplets
  • precipitation
  • condensation

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Last Update: Tue, 06 Jul 21