Activity 3Task 1Read and complete the blanks with the word

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari firdaindah0401 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Activity 3Task 1
Read and complete the blanks with the word in the box below carefully!
What will happen to the Earth in the future? Scientists believe the next 10.000 million years,
earthquakes and volcanoes will get rarer. The Earth will become ... (1), with no high mountains,
and shallow oceans will cover most of the planets.
The sun will run short of the hydrogen it is used for fuel and becomes much larger ... (2) it
is now. If the sun becomes larger, it will heat up the Earth. It will also evaporate water from the
seas and the oceans will get ... (3). Eventually the sun will cool down, leaving the Earth as a
dead frozen planet. If the sun doesn't burn anymore, the Earth will be too cool to be lived in.
Man might make our planet uninhabitable long before any of this ... (4). For example, a large
scale nuclear world war... (5) make life on Earth impossible. If the nuclear is used for humanity
and not for war, there will be more chances for human to life in a better life.
Or we may ... (6) the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere so that it forms a barrier that lets heat
in but doesn't let it out. Carbon dioxide is... (7) by burning wood, coal, and petrol and is absorbed
by forests. So we must avoid burning too much fuel. The Earth will be much hotter if we keep
cutting down the tress. Another danger to our Earth is caused by the release of ... (8) known as
CFCs which are used in refrigerators and aerosol sprays. These rise into the atmosphere and
damage the ozone layer, which ... (9) us from harmful radiation from the sun. If there is no ozone
layer, human will be damaged by the sun radiation.
Fortunately, a lot of people with very useful ideas recognize these dangers and are working
to protect our planet. Our Earth is delicate and beautiful planet, so we must take ... (10) care of
it. It is all we have. If we are able to save our planet now, the brighter future may come to our children.

- happens
- would
- flatter
- increase
- than
- chemicals
- good
- produced
- dry
- protects​

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gatau aku ge.........

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Last Update: Sun, 30 May 21