Questions 1-15 When he was a year-three elementary students, my uncle

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari harnia81 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Questions 1-15When he was a year-three elementary students, my uncle 1)______________ by other children because of his activities selling empek-empek during the school break time. However, he 2)______________ the insult a miss. He 3)______________ that with positive paradigm and just 4)______________ his study and side job. My single grandmother, a white pepper farmer, 5)______________ her eleven sons including the youngest son (my uncle) to be independent before she 6)______________. Later in his early adolescence, before graduating from junior high school, my uncle 7)______________ his side job of selling empek-empek. He 8)______________ empek-empek anymore. However, in senior high school, he 9)______________ a small cleaning service agent recruiting low-economic-family friend students to work as cleaning service assistants door to door after school. One day, one of his ‘friend’ employees 10)______________ absent. His friend employee 11)_______________ because a day before he was caught under the heavy rains wihtout an umbrella. Thus, my uncle 12)______________ him cleaning a house in Pangkalpinang. When he 13)______________ in front of the gate of the house, he 14)______________ quite surprise. It 15)____________more like a palace rather than a house. “To be continued”

1. *
a. had been frequently bullied
b. had been being frequently bullied
c. was frequently bullied
d. was being frequently bullied
e. has been being frequently bullied
2. *
a. did not took the insult a miss
b. did not take the insult a miss
c. had not taken the insult a miss
d. had not been taking the insult a miss
e. was not taking the insult a miss
3. *
a. was looking
b. had looked
c. should have looked
d. had been looking
e. looked
4. *
a. should have focused on
b. had focused
c. was focusing on
d. had been focusing on
e. focused on
5. *
a. had been successfully educating
b. has been being successfully educating
c. was successfully educating
d. educated successfully
e. had successfully educated
6. *
a. had been being passing away
b. had been passing away
c. passed away
d. might have passed away
e. had passed away
7. *
a. had been being finishing
b. had been finishing
c. had finished
d. ought to have finished
e. was finishing
8. *
a. did not sold
b. did not sell
c. had not sold
d. had not been selling
e. was not selling
9. *
a. initiated
b. had initiated
c. was initiating
d. had been initiating
e. has initiated
10. *
a. used to be
b. should have been absent
c. has been
d. had been
e. was
11. *
a. should have been sick
b. ought to have been sick
c. might been sick
d. may be sick
e. must have been sick
12. *
a. had to replace
b. should have replaced
c. had to replaced
d. had been replacing
e. must replace
13. *
a. should have arrived
b. had been arriving
c. was arriving
d. used to arrive
e. ought to have arrived
14. *
a. had been becoming
b. had become
c. had been looking
d. became
e. had looked
15. *
a. used to be
b. should have been
c. ought to have been
d. was
e. had been

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Last Update: Tue, 13 Jul 21