Once upon a time, there lived a girl named Cinderella.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari limpo378 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Once upon a time, there lived a girl named Cinderella. She lived withher stepmother and two stepsisters. The stepmother and

stepdaughters didn’t like Cinderella and treated her badly. Cinderella

did the hardest works in the house such as cleaning the house and

preparing the food for the family.

One day, a ball was being held by the royal family of the kingdom to

find a spouse for the Prince. Cinderella wanted to go but her

stepmother forbade her. Cinderella cried. But then a fairy godmother

appeared beside her.

“Why are you crying, Cinderella?” the fairy godmother asked.

“Because I want to go to the ball but my stepmother insists me that I

stay at home,” said Cinderella. “Besides, I don’t have any beautiful


The fairy then turned Cinderella’s ugly clothes became the most

beautiful dress complete with glass slippers. The fairy had also turned

a pumpkin into a coach and the mice into six white horses. Cinderella

finally could go to the ball but had to come back before midnight

before the spell broke.

Past Forms / Verbs taken from Cinderella Story

(at least 10)​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

~ Answer:

-past forms/verbs was founded:

  1. once upon a time
  2. lived
  3. named
  4. didn't like
  5. treated
  6. did
  7. was being held
  8. wanted
  9. forbade
  10. cried
  11. appeared
  12. asked
  13. said
  14. turned
  15. became
  16. had also turned
  17. could go
  18. had to come back
  19. broke

Catatan: bentuk past dapat ditemukan ada sembilan belas. Dapat dipilih saja agar menjadi sepuluh atau boleh pakai dari nomor 1 sampai 10.


~ Introduction:

Narrative text merupakan teks yang memiliki runtutan peristiwa secara kronologis yang melibati tokoh-tokoh dan latar-latar yang membawakan suasana tertentu ke pembacanya. Narrative text memprioritaskan tokoh utamanya dan harus membawa kesan untuk pembacanya.

Narrative text menggunakan bentuk past tense karena menceritakan peristiwa masa lalu.

Dalam teks narasi terdapat generic structure meliputi tiga bagian:

  • Orientation—tokoh/latar/jalan cerita untuk mengawali/membuka cerita
  • Complication—terjadinya peristiwa menghebohkan/permasalahan
  • Resolution—mengakhiri cerita dengan dapat menyelesaikan komplikasi

~ Discussion:

Halo, sobat cerdas! Untuk menemukan jawaban dari kata-kata yang bersifat past tense maka perlu kita baca dan amati teks narasi di atas.

Kunci dalam past tense:

verbal simple past tense:

  • menggunakan sufiksasi -ed untuk regular verb
  • tidak menggunakan sufiksasi -ed atau menyesuaikanuntukirregular verb

nominal simple past tense:

  • menggunakan to be: was/were dan tidak dilalui verba

past continuous tense:

  • menggunakan to be: was/were
  • verba dalam infinitive verb + -ing

past perfect tense:

  • menggunakan auxiliary: had
  • verba dalam past participle dengan sufiksasi -ed untuk regular verb dan tanpa sufiks -edatau menyesuaikan untukirregular verb

past future tense:

  • menggunakan bentuk would + infinitive verb

past future continuous tense:

  • menggunakan bentuk would be + V-ing

past future perfect tense:

  • menggunakan bentuk would have + V3

Kunci dalam penggunaan adverb dalam narrative text:

  • once upon a time
  • one day
  • a long time ago
  • a time to be remembered
  • early...
  • one time
  • someday
  • someday in the past
  • etc.

Seusai dibaca teksnya, kita dapat menemukan verbanya ya. Dapat dilihat di bagian Answer ya...

~ Thank you and hope this answer may be helpful.

Good luck! ✿

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Last Update: Mon, 11 Oct 21